“CENTUM” the oil with a hundred years of history
A high quality oil, with unique organoleptic, sensory and olfactory characteristics.
Extra virgin oil( EVO) is normally considered as a product of medium to high commercial value, but in some cases, it can become a luxury article. This is because it is produced following strict criteria such as the choice of the raw materials involved, the provenance, the techniques used , the choice of olive groves, the logic at the base of the cold pressing method and the search for a low acidity level.
These fantastic monuments of enormous and beneficial nutritional value have been rooted in our culture for thousands of years. The centuries old olive trees have always been a part of the typical Calabrian landscape. They embellish the land with their majestic beauty and mysterious appeal. They are almost sacred. They are truly splendid and embody thousands of years of history producing an even more splendid, precious oil. As such, this oil is for those who seek both quality and a healthy life style. To taste this extra virgin olive oil means to embrace Calabria’s innate identity and feel the passing of time over the centuries. EVO exists to satisfy the demands of a luxury market, of high quality culinary arts and the need to satisfy two eminently qualified people intent on producing healthy food: the master oil expert Vito Macrina and the chef Nicola Macrina.
Fruity, robust, the oil is limpid, pale green, with hints of golden yellow. It is endowed with an ample and captivating bouquet, rich in traces of half ripe tomatoes and white apples. It is rich and elegant in flavour, slightly aromatic: pink pepper, almond and crushed apricots. At one and the same time, bitter, distinctive, spicy, decisive and harmonious.
It can be used to marinade fresh fish, on thinly sliced raw meat, stock fish and salted cod, with pasta dishes, sea food, roasts, oven baked lamb, fresh cheese, mushrooms and raw vegetables.